Conducting Observational Research Studies

Research Week 2017

Date: 13 September 2017
Time: 9.30am to 4pm 
Venue: Seminar Room, AMR 9th Floor

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Registrations close Friday 1 September

Many medical research studies are observational in nature. These studies do not include an intervention, typically use data that is routinely collected by the health system, and may be supplemented by data collected using questionnaires.  This course is designed for people who are interested in undertaking such a study, and might have a research question they want to explore.

The topics covered will be 1) Identifying a research question, 2) Deciding on a study design and study endpoints, 3) Determining what data to collect, 4) Identifying sources of bias and confounding, and 5) Planning an analysis.  Each topic will be introduced by a formal lecture, followed by small group work.  The course trainers will be A/Prof Stephen Kerr, Professor Matthew Law (Kirby Institute, UNSW) and Dr Zhixin Liu (Stats Central, UNSW).

The course is limited to 12 participants. If you have a research idea you would like to explore, please email a brief summary to  before Friday 1 September

Presenter: A/Prof Stephen Kerr
A/Prof Stephen Kerr is consultant biostatistician at St Vincent's Centre for Applied Medical Research and Head of Biostatistics at the Thai Red Cross AIDS Research Centre.  He has been the lead biostatistician in over 35 International Randomised Trials and Cohort Studies, and is an epidemiology/statistical reviewer for the Lancet group of journals.

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